Brian Curley from ALERT, Ulysse Robichaud from the " Fédération des parents de l'Île du Prince-Édouard" , Dr. Rosemary Henderson from the Medical Society of P.E.I. , Sharon O'Brien from the P.E.I. Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Dianne Morrow from the P.E.I. Literacy Alliance and Dr. Lawrence Heider from the University of P.E.I. made statements and, with Liz Nimmo and Lillian Mead, answered questions.
Brian Curley de ALERT, Ulysse Robichaud de la Fédération des parents de l'Île du Prince-Édouard, Dre Rosemary Henderson de la Medical Society of P.E.I. , Sharon O'Brien de la " P.E.I. Advisory Council on the Status of Women " , Dianne Morrow de la " P.E.I. Literacy Alliance " et Dr Lawrence Heider de l'Université de l'Î.-P.-É., font des déclarations et répondent aux questions.