The best way ahead is a pragmatic step-by-step approach - an approach which hopefully also will show progress at the next EC-EFTA ministerial meeting in Turku, Finland, in 1988. As far as the internal market is concerned, the Community is determined to abolish the remaining obstacles for the free circulation of people, goods, and capital.
Le meilleur moyen de progresser est d'etre pragmatique, d'avancer pas a pas, ce qui, esperons-le, permettra de realiser des progres lors de la prochaine reunion ministerielle CE-AELE qui se tiendra en Finlande, a Turku, en 1988. - 2 - En ce qui concerne le marche interieur, la Communaute est determinee a supprimer les derniers obstacles a la libre circulation des personnes, des biens et des capitaux.