One of the articles that's on your website quotes Marjorie Heins, the author of Not in Front of the Children, and she makes the point that censorship has a number of problems, that sometimes it actually defeats the purpose of placing limits, that it actually makes the material more attractive to young people, and also that censorship doesn't teach kids what's inappropriate about the material that's been censored.
L'un des articles qui se trouvent sur votre site Web cite Marjorie Heins, l'auteure de Not in Front of the Children, et elle mentionne que la censure pose deux problèmes. D'une part, elle rend plus attrayant ce qui est interdit, et d'autre part, l'interdiction n'enseigne rien de positif aux enfants quant aux raisons pour lesquelles certaines productions médiatiques sont désapprouvées ou dangereuses.