That being said, I hope that after today the government will reconsider its veto of further witnesses and be more flexible in the work of this committee, if it is to continue, in order to allow an overall appreciation of a highly complex and, I must say, controversial bidding process, one which has led to certain accusations from potential bidders regarding their possible exclusion and one which has led to accusations of political interference and other insinuations that none of us like to hear.
Cela dit, j'espère que, après aujourd'hui, le gouvernement reconsidérera son veto au sujet de la convocation d'autres témoins et se montrera plus souple à l'égard des travaux du comité, s'ils se poursuivent, afin que nous puissions avoir une vue d'ensemble d'un processus d'appel d'offres hautement complexe qui, je dois le dire, a prêté à controverse.