In other words, it appears that it was not because the three parties to the Tlicho land claim agreement were unwilling to include the North Slave Metis Alliance at the negotiations table, but that they could not do so as a consequence of Clem Paul's unlawful and legitimate actions, along with those of his regime (0920) Now that the unlawful and illegitimate actions of Clem Paul and his regime have been rectified, North Slave Metis Alliance members wish for their aboriginal rights to be addressed.
Autrement dit, la situation découle non pas du fait que les trois parties à l'accord de revendication territoriale du peuple tlicho n'ont pas voulu inclure l'Alliance métisse North Slave à la table des négociations, mais plutôt des actes illégaux et illégitimes de Clem Paul et de son régime (0920) Maintenant qu'on y a remédié, les membres de l'Alliance métis North Slave souhaitent qu'on s'occupe de leurs droits ancestraux.