The background is that after I became leader here about two years ago, we thought there were at least three things at which we should look. One was a comprehensive, transparent code of conduct; the second was adequate financial resources for the opposition parties; and the third was some sort of attack on the rather archaic, not to say Neanderthal, working practices that we actually enjoy.
Pour mettre les choses en contexte, je suis devenu chef de la Chambre des lords il y a deux ans environ et, à ce moment, nous avons cerné au moins trois domaines qui méritaient notre attention: il fallait édicter un code de déontologie complet et transparent; assurer le financement adéquat des partis de l'opposition, et nous attaquer, pour ainsi dire, aux procédés de travail archaïques, sinon paléolithiques, qui sont les nôtres.