The area of origin of the milk and the area in which ‘Toma Piemontese’ cheese is produced and aged comprises the administrative territory of the provinces of Novara, Vercelli, Biella, Torino, Cuneo, Verbania Cusio Ossola, as well as the municipalities of Monastero Bormida, Roccaverano, Mombaldone, Olmo Gentile and Serole in the Province of Asti, and Acqui Terme, Terzo, Bistagno, Ponti and Denice in the Province of Alessandria.
L’aire de provenance du lait, de transformation et d’affinage du fromage Toma Piemontese comprend le territoire administratif des provinces suivantes: Novare, Verceil, Biella, Turin, Coni, Verbania Cusio Ossola, ainsi que des communes de Monastero Bormida, Roccaverano, Mombaldone, Olmo Gentile et Serole dans la province d’Asti, et d’Acqui Terme, Terzo, Bistagno, Ponti et Denice dans la province d’Alexandrie.