A significant number of projects have a European sectoral focus, that is to say they bring together partners from at least four different countries, and they involve leading sectoral o
rganizations (these sectors include automobile, aeronautic, banking, textiles, tourism, transport, leather, graphic arts and film ...); - a powerful involvement of countries on the periphery of the Community (Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland), which will enable FORCE to play a major role in the transfer of
training innovation between ...[+++] the most developed and the least-developed regions; - the strong desire of European enterprises to involve themselves in joint innovation in continuing training, and their capacity to act together to improve their competitive edge, even when they are otherwise in competition with each other.
Un nombre significatif de projets sont des projets sectoriels communautaires c'est-à-dire des projets réunissant des partenaires d'au moins quatre pays différents et impliquant des organismes significatifs du secteur (automobile, aéronautique, banque, textile, tourisme, transport, cuir, arts graphiques et films ...) - une implication forte des pays de la périphérie européenne (Espagne, Italie, Portugal, Grèce et Irlande), ce qui permet à FORCE de transférer largement les innovations de formation entre régions favorisées et moins favorisées.