These Afghan Canadian women, including high school students, have arrived from Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Guelph, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal to meet officials and parliamentarians to press us to ensure that our troops and other Canadian representatives are all committed to increasing safety for women and children in Afghanistan so Afghan women in Canada have the genuine option of returning to their country of origin to give their expertise to rehabilitation and reconstruction as soon as possible.
Ces Canadiennes d'origine afghane, dont des étudiantes de niveau secondaire, sont venues de Calgary, d'Edmonton, de Saskatoon, de Guelph, de Toronto, d'Ottawa et de Montréal pour rencontrer des fonctionnaires et des parlementaires et demander que nos soldats et les autres représentants canadiens s'efforcent d'assurer une plus grande sécurité aux femmes et aux enfants afghans en Afghanistan.