After the adoption in principle on 2 August last of the RECHAR programme concerning the conversion of coal-mining areas, today's decision, taken at the initiative of Mr Millan, the Member of the Commission with special responsibility for regional policy, in agreement with his colleagues, Mr Ripa di Meana, Mr Christophersen, Mr Mac Sharry and Mrs Papandreou, is the second Community initiative to be launched at the Commission's initiative and financed by the structural Funds.
Après l'adoption de principe le 2 août dernier du programme RECHAR relatif à la reconversion des régions minières, la décision de ce jour, prise à l'initiative de M. Millan, le Commissaire chargé des politiques régionales, en accord avec ses collègues, MM. Ripa di Meana, Christophersen, Mac Sharry et Mme Papandreou, constitue la deuxième initiative communautaire, lancée à l'initiative de la Commission, financée par les fonds structurels.