In this context, it noted the progress made towards the conclusion of tra
de and co-operation agreements with a number of those countries, at the same time emphasizing the common will to contribute to the efforts made, by Poland and Hungary in particular, to open up their economies and put them back on a sound footing (c) The European Council restate
d the importance it attached to the successful conclusion of the multilateral negotiations under the Uruguay Round, which should make it possible to set up an international system able to m
...[+++]eet the challenge arising on a world scale not only for trade in goods but also for services, for the protection of intellectual property and for action on the special situation of the developing countries. It reaffirmed the Community's determination to oppose any recourse to unilateral measures which might jeopardize such an international system (d) The European Council reaffirmed its commitment to a close and comprehensive transatlantic relationship, and noted with satisfaction the co-operative relations which had already been established with the new United States Administration. - 12 - (e) The European Council stressed the importance it attached to the consolidation of the long-established privileged links between the Community and the ACP States. It welcomed the progress made in renegotiating the ACP-EEC Convention and called for the negotiations to be concluded by the end of the year (f) The European Council likewise confirmed the significance it attached to strengthening and extending relations with the countries associated with the Community (g) The European Council paid particular attention to examining the situation of middle-income countries facing the problem of indebtedness.- 12 - e) Le Conseil européen souligne
l'importance qu'il attache à la consolidation des liens privilégiés établis de longue date entre la Communauté et les Etats ACP. Il se félicite des progrès accomplis dans la renégociation de la Convention ACP/CEE et demande que ces négociations aboutissent avant la fin de l'année. f) Le Consei
l européen souligne également l'importance qu'il attache au renforcement et au développement des relations avec les pays qui sont associés à la Communauté. g) Le Conseil européen a accordé une attention part
...[+++]iculière à l'examen de la situation des pays à revenu moyen, qui sont confrontés au problème de la dette.