The Council: took note of progress regarding the two proposals for Regulations relating to the new agrimonetary arrangements further to the introduction
of the euro ( ); held a discussion on the two Commission proposals, at the end of which it noted that most delegations wanted simultaneous adoption of them and that a large majority of delegations were in
favour of the draft basic Regulation as amended by the Commission, without prejudging the final outcome regarding the transitional Regulation; instructed the S
pecial Com ...[+++]mittee on Agriculture to continue, taking into account the views and positions that emerged during the discussion, examining the major points outstanding in the draft transitional Regulation, relating on the one hand to the triggering threshold of 0,5% (which could become optional for Member States), the 2,6% neutral margin and the 24-month confirmation deadline and on the other to the co-funding arrangements; agreed to return to this point at a later date in order to re-examine the dossier as a whole, taking into account the urgent need for adoption imposed by the introduction of the euro on 1 January 1999.