The Japanese delegation will be led by Mr Tadashi KURANARI, Foreign Minister and will be made up of Mr Hajime TAMURA, Minister for International Trade and Industry, Mr Yataro MITSUBAYASHI, Minister for Science and Technology, Mr Takao AKABANE, Deputy Minister of the Economic Planning Agency and Mr Toyoo GHYOTEN, Deputy Minister of Finance.
La delegation japonaise sera dirigee par M. Tadashi KURANARI, Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres et sera composee de M. Hajime TAMURA, Ministre du MITI, de M. Yataro MISUBAYASHI, Ministre de la Science et de la Technologie, de M. Takao AKABANE, Vice- Ministre de l'Agence de planification economique et enfin de M.Toyoo GYOHTEN, Vice-Ministre des Finances.