(iv) in Alberta, the Counties of Athabasca, Barrhead, Birch Hills, Brazeau, Cardston, Clearwater, Grande Prairie, Kneehill, Lac Ste. Anne, Lacombe, Lakeland, Leduc, Mountain View, Northern Sunrise, Parkland, Ponoka, Red Deer, Saddle Hills, Starland, Thorhild, Wetaskiwin, Woodlands and Yellowhead, the improvement districts of Banff, Jasper Park, Kananaskis, Waterton and Wilmore Wilderness, the municipal districts of Acadia, Big Lakes, Bighorn, Bonnyville, Clear Hills, Fairview, Greenview, MacKenzie, Northern Lights, Peace, Pincher Creek, Ranchland, Smoky River, Spirit River and Willow Creek, the municipalities of Crowsnest Pass and Jasper, and special areas 3 and 4;
(iv) en Alberta, les comtés de Athabasca, Barrhead, Birch Hills, Brazeau, Cardston, Clearwater, Grande Prairie, Kneehill, Lac Ste. Anne, Lacombe, Lakeland, Leduc, Mountain View, Northern Sunrise, Parkland, Ponoka, Red Deer, Saddle Hills, Starland, Thorhild, Wetaskiwin, Woodlands et Yellowhead, les districts en voie d'organisation de Banff, Jasper Park, Kananaskis, Waterton et Wilmore Wilderness, les districts des municipalités de Acadia, Big Lakes, Bighorn, Bonnyville, Clear Hills, Fairview, Greenview, MacKenzie, Northern Lights, Peace, Pincher Creek, Ranchland, Smoky River, Spirit River et Willow Creek, les municipalités de Crowsnest Pass et Jasper et les zones spéciales 3 et 4;