Do you believe that NATO, and Canada as a NATO partner, should take seriously the commitment to what is called, in a NATO-strategic concept, a commitment to create the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons in accordance with the goals of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty,
and that they would support the efforts stated by Obama, who is talking about getting to zero in terms of dealing with countries like
Pakistan, whom the Americans support generously with military support annually without apparently extracting any methods
...[+++]of de-escalating?
Croyez-vous que l'OTAN, et le Canada, à titre de partenaire, devraient prendre au sérieux l'engagement, indiqué dans un concept stratégique de l'OTAN, visant à créer les conditions propices à un monde sans armes nucléaires, conformément aux objectifs du traité sur la non-prolifération des armes nucléaires, et appuyer les efforts d'Obama en faveur de l'abolition des armes nucléaires?