The proposal for such an agreement confirms the criminal responsibility of the EU which, with its hypocritical stance of sitting on the fence, is basically rewarding and strengthening Israel and the new war which it has unleashed and which has caused a huge humanitarian disaster among the Palestinian people, the death of more than 1 300 Palestinians, the overwhelming majority of whom were civilians, children and women, injury to over 5 000 people and the total destruction of civil infrastructures in Gaza, including schools and the UN premises.
Cette proposition d’accord confirme la responsabilité criminelle de l’UE qui, en observatrice hypocrite, contribue essentiellement à récompenser et renforcer Israël et à promouvoir la nouvelle guerre qu’il a engagée et qui a causé une terrible catastrophe humanitaire parmi les Palestiniens, provoquant la mort de plus de 1 300 Palestiniens, dont l’écrasante majorité étaient des civils, femmes et enfants, plus de 5 000 blessés et la destruction totale d’infrastructures civiles à Gaza, notamment des écoles et des locaux des Nations unies.