4. The book value referred to in point (a) of
paragraph 2, or the amount corresponding to the proportion of the assoc
iated undertaking's capital and reserves referred to in point (b) of paragraph 2, shall be increased or reduced by the amount of any variation which has taken place during the financial year in the proportion of the associated undert
aking's capital and reserves represented by that participating interest; it shall be
...[+++] reduced by the amount of the dividends relating to that participating interest.
4. La valeur comptable visée au paragraphe 2, point a), ou le montant correspondant à la fraction des capitaux propres de l'entreprise associée visé au paragraphe 2, point b), est augmenté ou réduit du montant de la variation, intervenue au cours de l'exercice, de la fraction des capitaux propres de l'entreprise associée représentée par cette participation; il est réduit du montant des dividendes correspondant à cette participation.