As regards European contract law, it seems to me that it should simply be decided, for example, that the applicable law shall be the one chosen by the parties and, if they have not chosen an applicable law, that the applicable law shall be the one established in the place in which the contract was concluded and, finally, if the contract was concluded between parties located in different places, that the law applicable to the contract shall be the one established in the place in which the contract is enforced.
S’agissant du contrat européen, il me semble qu’il suffirait de décider par exemple que la loi applicable, c’est celle que les parties ont choisie, et s’ils n’ont pas choisi de loi applicable, que la loi applicable est celle du lieu où le contrat a été conclu et, enfin, si le contrat a été conclu entre des parties qui se trouvent dans des endroits différents, que la loi applicable au contrat est celle du lieu de son exécution.