On a proposal from Mrs Wulf-Mathies, member of the Commission with responsibility for Regional Policy and Cohesion, the Commission has adopted the Community SME initiative programmes for the Lowland and Highlands Islands regions of Scotland. 1. The Lowland region This programme, costing ECU 19.714 million in total (approximately #16.30 million) covers two Objective 2 areas (Western Eastern Scotland) and 4 Objective 5(b) areas (Borders, Dumfries Galloway, Northern Western Grampian, Rural Stirling Upland Tayside).
Sur proposition de Madame Wulf-Mathies, Commissaire Européen pour les politiques régionales et la cohésion, la Commission a adopté les programmes d'initiative communautaire PME pour les régions Lowland et Highlands Islands en Ecosse. 1. Lowland Ce programme d'un coût total de 19.714 mecu (approximativement # 16.30) couvre 2 zones objectif 2 (Western Eastern Scotland) et 4 zones objectif 5b (Border, Dumfries Galloway, Northern Western Grampian, Rural Stirling Upland Tayside).