Their aim ? To irrigate the desert in Chad by helping UNICEF to create school gardens that will give children whose survival is threatened by drought a chance to live and learn farming techniques. Since February these 1 000 children, aided by many well-known artists such as J.M. Folon, R. Somville, S. Creuz and Berrocal have made the biggest picture in the world. Made up of 5 000 smaller pictures in colour, it is the size of a football pitch.
Ces 1. 000 enfants ont réalisé depuis le mois de février, avec l'aide d'artistes connus comme J.-M. FOLON, R. SOMVILLE, S.CREUZ, BERROCAL et beaucoup d'autres, le plus grand dessin du monde. Ce dessin se compose de 5.000 dessins en couleurs.