Ms Deborah Friedman, Grand Council of the Cree, the Cree Regional Authority and the Cree Trappers' Association, Legal Counsel: The first thing that you are referring to is subsection 2(3) in the act, which is often referred to as the non-derogation clause, a general provision which provides that nothing in the act is intended to derogate or abrogate from existing aboriginal and treaty rights.
Mme Deborah Friedman, conseillère juridique, Grand conseil des Cris, Administration régionale crie et Association des trappeurs cris: Vous mentionnez d'abord le paragraphe 2(3) de la loi, que l'on qualifie souvent de clause non dérogatoire, une disposition générale qui précise que la loi ne porte pas atteinte aux droits ancestraux ou issus de traités.