But from the point of view of a prosecutor and an attorney general—and I'm sorry Mr. Toews, as a former attorney general, isn't here, but I'll speak to him about this later—I feel it's the responsibility of a prosecutor, and particularly an attorney general, when confronted with a private prosecution that does not meet the charging standards of the province or the jurisdiction, to take over this prosecution and stay it.
Mais du point de vue d'un procureur général—et je regrette que M. Toews, ancien procureur général, ne soit pas ici, mais je lui en parlerai plus tard—j'estime qu'il appartient au procureur, notamment au procureur général, lorsqu'il est confronté à des poursuites privées qui ne répondent pas aux critères d'inculpation de la province, de suspendre la procédure.