very high frequency omnirange tactical area navigation with weather broadcast | VHF omnirange TACAN with weather broadcast | VHF omnirange tactical area navigation with weather broadcast | Vortac with weather broadcast | B VORTAC [Abbr.]
Doppler very high frequency omnirange/tactical area navigation with weather broadcast | Doppler VHF omnirange/tactical area navigation with weather broadcast | Doppler Vortac with weather broadcast | DB VORTAC [Abbr.]
trypan blue [ azidine blue, 3 B | benzamine blue, 3 B | benzo blue | chlorazol blue | Congo blue, 3 B | diamine blue | dianil b H. 3G. | naphthamine blue, 3 B. X. | Niagara blue, 3 B. X. ]
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