12. Takes the view that EU citizenship should increasingly be experienced at loc
al level and should become more visible, comprising rights, including social rights, and duties, such as through a direct link between some aspects of the tax system and the financing of the European Union, though without increasing the overall tax burden this innovation would not only offer a way out of the current deadlock over the financing of the Community budget by means of contributions from the Member States and over the concept of a fair return, but would also help to develop a
more balanced European citizensh
...[+++]ip; 12. est d'avis que la citoyenneté européenne devrait être de plus en plus vécue au niveau local, avoir une meilleure visibilité et comporter des droits, en ce compris des droits sociaux et des devoirs, comme par exemple - sans alourdissement de la charge fiscale globale - un lien direct entre les éléments du système fiscal et le financement de l'Union européenne;