Ms. Maryantonett Flumian: What I was speaking to specifically as being on website were the audit and evaluation reports—seven of which had been undertaken up until the year 2000, as far as I'm aware—and the fact that the Auditor General had drawn many of the same conclusions the internal audit of the department had drawn, and that many of those internal audit recommendations had already been incorporated in changes we were making to the program.
Mme Maryantonett Flumian: Ce dont je parlais précisément à propos du site Web, c'était de la vérification et des rapports d'évaluation—dont sept ont été faits jusqu'à l'an 2000, que je sache—et le fait que la vérificatrice générale avait tiré bon nombre des mêmes conclusions que le service de vérification interne du ministère, et que bon nombre de ces recommandations de vérification interne étaient déjà intégrées aux changements que nous apportions au programme.