We have with us today, under the umbrella of the Mining Association of Canada, the new president, Gord Peeling; from the Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export, John Baird; from Queen's University, Dr. Laeke Daneshmend; and from Noranda Inc., Dr. Irwin Itzkovitch, who I understand made a special trip back from Tucson and may be a little beleaguered this morning.
Aujourd'hui, nos invités sont le nouveau président de l'Association minière du Canada, Gord Peeling; John Baird, de la Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export; Laeke Daneshmend, de l'Université Queen's; et Irwin Itzkovitch de Noranda Inc. qui a fait, si je comprends bien, un déplacement spécial de Tucson et qui est peut-être légèrement fatigué ce matin.