In the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, where public health questions are also within the field of competence of the Länder, provisions on banning smoking in public places are not uniform. However, smoking is generally banned in schools and other educational establishments and non-smoking areas are provided in certain forms of transport. In BELGIUM, FRANCE and SPAIN, the law sets out in detailed form the places where smoking is banned. This ban covers most premises accessible to the publ
ic, with particular stress on establishments for young people or where health care
is given. However, Belgian ...[+++] and Spanish legislation provides that in some areas where the ban applies an area may be set aside for smokers. Smoking areas are also authorized on certain forms of transport. It shoule be noted that in the event of a dispute, Spanish legislation provides that the right to health of non-smokers prevails over the rights of smokers in all places where the right to health of non-smokeres might be affected. In DENMARK a Government decision establishes that, within its area of competence, the Government should measures to ban or restrict smoking in some public places and some public transport before 1 July 1988. In IRELAND an Order of July 1988 allows the adoption of legislative measures to ban or restrict smoking in some public places. In GREECE, ITALY and PORTUGAL there are restrictions on the use of tobacco in some public places and forms of transport. In the NETHERLANDS restrictions are generally confined to hospitals and places of entertainment. In LUXEMBOURG restrictions are limited to public transport and places of entertainment.Il est à noter que la législation espagnole prévoit, qu'en cas de conflit, le droit à la santé des non- fumeurs prévaut sur celui des fumeurs, et ce dans tous les endroits où le droit à la santé des non-fumeurs pourrait être affecté. Au Danemark, une décision du Conseil des Ministres prévoit que les ministres adoptent, dans leur domaine de juridiction, des mesures portant sur l'interdiction ou la limitation de fumer dans certains lieux publics et dans certains transports publics avant le 1er juillet 1988. En Irlande, un disposi
tif de juillet 1988 permet l'adoption de mesures législatives portant sur l'interdiction ou la limitation de fum
...[+++]er dans certains lieux publics. En Grèce, en Italie et au Portugal existent des restrictions à l'usage du tabac dans certains lieux publics et moyens de transport. Aux Pays-Bas, les restrictions sont limitées aux hôpitaux et aux salles de spectacles. Au Luxembourg, l'interdiction se limite aux transports publics et aux salles de spectacles. Au Royaume-Uni, seul est réglementé le droit de fumer dans les moyens de transport.