Apart from conventional victim support, in addition to an ini
tial focus on those victims who have suffered a particularly gruesome experience is not to be underestimated: severe exposure and destruction or traumatic loss; experience of traumatic events or a current or prior history of mental health of mental health treatment and a lack of social support, not having close family and friends support are very important to be taken in account
. Efforts should be made to ascertain those members of social community who are alone, as they ma
...[+++]y be the ones for whom social support or follow-up help may be particularly important.
En dehors de l'aide aux victimes classique, il convient, tout en mettant d'abord l'accent sur les victimes qui ont subi une expérience particulièrement horrible, de ne pas sous-estimer les éléments suivants: exposition et destruction graves ou perte traumatique; expérience d'événements traumatiques ou traitement, passé ou actuel, pour maladie psychiatrique, ou absence de soutien social, absence d'un soutien du cercle familial ou amical.