Mr. Gerry O'Keefe: Of course, with the British names, we can refer to them as boat 01, 02, 03, and 04, so HMCS Unseenwas the first one and it went on to become Victoria; subsequently Unicorn was boat 2 and it went on to become Windsor; Ursula was boat 3 and it went on to become Corner Brook; and finally Upholder , which became Chicoutimi.
M. Gerry O'Keefe: On remplace souvent les noms britanniques par les chiffres 01, 02, 03 et 04; le premier NCSM Unseen est devenu le Victoria; le deuxième, le Unicorn, est devenu leWindsor; le troisième, leUrsula, a été rebaptisé Corner Brook, et, enfin, le Upholder, est maintenant le Chicoutimi.