Pursuant to Standing Order 45(5)(a), the House proceeded to the deferred division on the motion of Mr. Laurin (Joliette), seconded by Mr. Guimond (Beauport Montmorency Orléans), That
, in the opinion of this House, the government should immediately take the required measures to authorize the construction of a high-speed train (HST) linking the cities of Windsor and Quebec City, as well as the necessary infrastructure (Private Members' Business M-112) The question was put on the motion and it was negatived on the following division: .YEA41 Asselin Axworthy (Saskatoon Clark's Crossing) Bachand Bellehumeur Bergeron Bernier (Gaspé) Bernier (Mégantic
Compton S ...[+++]tanstead) Bouchard Brien Bélisle Caccia Canuel Caron Chrétien (Frontenac) Crête Daviault Debien de Savoye Dubé Duceppe Dumas Fillion Gauthier (Roberval) Godin Guay Lalonde Landry Langlois Laurin Lavigne (Beauharnois Salaberry) Lebel Lefebvre Leroux (Richmond Wolfe) Loubier Marchand McLaughlin Mercier Milliken Ménard Nunez O'Reilly Paré Picard (Drummond) Péloquin Rocheleau Sauvageau St-Laurent Tremblay (Rimouski Témiscouata) 48 Dalphond-Guiral Deshaies Discepola Guimond Hickey Hopkins Jacob Leroux (Shefford) MacAulay Mills (Broadview Greenwood) Ouellet Plamondon Pomerleau Rompkey Terrana Venne Wayne Wood Young de JongMembers Députés Abbott Ablonczy Adams Alcock Anawak Augustine Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) Baker Barnes Bellemare Benoit Bethel Bevilacqua Bhaduria Blondin-Andrew Bodnar Bonin Boudria Breitkreuz (Yellowhead) Breitkreuz (Yorkton Melville) Bridgman Brown (Calgary Southeast) Brown (Oakville Milton) Brushett Bryden Bélair Calder Campbell Cannis Cauchon Chamberlain Chatters Clancy Cohen Collins Copps Crawford Cummins DeVillers Dhaliwal Dingwall Duhamel Dupuy Easter Eggleton English Epp Fewch
uk Finestone Finlay Flis Fontana Gaffney Gagliano Gallaway Gauthier (Ottawa Vanier) Gerrard Goodale Gray (Windsor West) Grey (Beaver River) Grose Guar
...[+++]nieri Hanger Hanrahan Harb Harper (Calgary West) Harper (Churchill) Harper (Simcoe Centre) Harvard Hayes Hermanson Hoeppner Ianno Iftody Irwin Jackson Jennings Johnston Kerpan Keyes Kirkby Knutson Kraft Sloan Lastewka Lavigne (Verdun Saint-Paul) LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands Canso) MacDonald MacLellan (Cape Breton The Sydneys) Maheu Malhi Maloney Manley Marleau Mayfield McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) McCormick McGuire McKinnon McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) McTeague McWhinney Meredith Mills (Red Deer) Minna Mitchell Murphy O'Brien Pagtakhan Parrish Patry Payne Penson Peric Peters Pickard (Essex Kent) Reed Regan Ringma Ringuette-Maltais Robichaud Rock Schmidt Scott (Fredericton York Sunbury) Sheridan Simmons Solberg Speller St. Denis Steckle Stewart (Brant) Szabo Telegdi Thalheimer Thompson Tobin Torsney Ur Valeri Vanclief Volpe Walker Wappel Wells Whelan White (North Vancouver) Williams Zed 147