This agreement protects: - in the United States, the use of the designations "Scotch Whisky", "Irish Whiskey"/"Irish Whisky", "Cognac", "Armagnac", "Calvados" and "Brandy de Jerez" for products manufactured by the Member States in accordance with the relevant Community provisions; - in the Community, the use of the designations "Tennessee Whisky"/"Tennessee Whiskey" and "Bourbon Whisky"/"Bourbon Whiskey" and "Bourbon" for products manufactured in the United States in accordance with the provisions of that country.
Cet accord vise à protéger : - aux Etats-Unis l'usage des désignations de produits "Scotch whisky", "Irish whiskey"/"Irish Whisky", "Cognac", "Armagnac", "Calvados" et "Brandy de jerez" fabriqués par les Etats membres conformément aux dispositions pertinentes de la Communauté ; - dans la Communauté l'usage des désignations de "Tennessee whisky"/"Tennessee whiskey" et "Bourbon whisky"/"Bourbon whiskey" et "Bourbon" fabriqués aux Etats-Unis conformément aux dispositions de ce pays.