Lack of access to energy remains a major brake to further development of the country. As Commissioner Piebalgs explained: "There can be no development without energy and, unfortunately, the
energy situation in Burundi remains one of the worst in the world, with daily power cuts being experienced by most people". The new initiative (€50 million) could include rural electrification, small and medium hydro projects and measures related to energy infrastructure. The project will also bring the
Commission one step closer to delivering on it ...[+++]s pledge to provide energy access for 500 million people by 2030 which was made within UN-led Sustainable Energy for All Initiative.
Ce projet permettra à l’UE de faire un pas supplémentaire dans la réalisation de la promesse de fournir de l'énergie à 500 millions de personnes d'ici 2030, dans le cadre de l'initiative, chapeautée par les Nations Unies, d’ "Energie durable pour tous" (Sustainable Energy for all, SE4ALL).