I regret that the Council is still examining at state level what intermodal terminals should be included in the European combined transport network, and I am delighted by the change to the specific Project No 8 of the Annex relating to the ‘Lisbon-Valladolid m
otorway’, as it was formerly known, with its new name ‘the Portugal/Spain multimodal link with the rest of Europe’, for the management of rail, road, sea and air connections in the three Iberian corridors between Galicia and Portugal, between Portugal and Seville/Andalusia, and between Irún (in the Basque Cou
ntry) and Portugal, which ...[+++] I hope will include the TGV high-speed train, and I also hope that financial aid will reach the so-called Basque ‘Y’, which, like any other railway line, generates not only economic advantages but also great environmental benefits.
Je regrette que le Conseil continue à envisager, au niveau étatique, d'inclure les terminaux intermodaux dans le réseau européen de transport combiné et je me réjouis de la modification du projet spécifique numéro 8 de l'annexe, relatif à "la liaison autoroutière Lisbonne-Valladolid", appelée à devenir la "liaison multimodale Portugal-Espagne avec le reste de l'Europe", pour la gestion des connexions ferroviaires, par route, maritimes et aériennes dans les trois corridors ibériques entre la Galice et le Portugal, entre le Portugal et Séville/Andalousie et entre Irún (au Pays basque) et le Portugal, qui inclura, je l'espère, le train à grande vitesse.