Appearing before us today is Mr. Ron Lund, president and CEO of
the Association of Canadian Advertisers; Monsieur Jacques Larose, vice-president of the Association of Canadian Advertisers; Ms. Janet Callaghan, vice-pres
ident and corporate media director of the Media Company, and director and past president of the Canadian Media Directors Council; Mr. David Harrison, president and CEO of Harrison, Young, Pesonen and Newell, and chair of the Institute of Canadian Advertising; and Mr. Clifford Sosnow, counsel for
...[+++] Lang Michener.
Nous accueillons aujourd'hui M. Ron Lund, PDG de l'Association canadienne des annonceurs; M. Jacques Larose, vice-président de l'Association canadienne des annonceurs; Mme Janet Callaghan, vice-présidente et directrice des médias des entreprises de la Media Company, ainsi que administratrice et ancienne présidente du Canadian Media Directors Council; M. David Harrison, PDG de Harrison, Young, Pesonen and Newell et président de l'Institut de la publicité canadienne; et M. Clifford Sosnow, conseiller chez Lang Michener.