Members Députés Alcock Anderson Augustine Axworthy Baker Bakopanos Beaumier Bélanger Bellemare Bertrand Bevilacqua Blondin-Andrew Boudria Bradshaw Brown Byrne Cannis Caplan Carroll Catterall
Cauchon Chamberlain Chan Charbonneau Chrétien (Saint-Maurice) Clouthier Coderre
Collenette Comuzzi Copps Cullen DeVillers Dhaliwal Dion Dromisky Drouin Duhamel Eggleton Finlay Folco Fontana Gagliano Gallaway Godfrey Goodale Graham Grose Guarnieri Harvard Ianno Keyes Kilger (Stormont Dundas Charlottenburgh) Kilgour (Edmonton Southeast) Knutson Kraf
...[+++]t Sloan Lastewka Lee Limoges Lincoln MacAulay Malhi Maloney Manley Marleau Matthews McCormick McLellan (Edmonton West) McTeague Mifflin Mills (Broadview Greenwood) Minna Mitchell Myers Normand Pagtakhan Paradis Parrish Peric Peterson Pettigrew Phinney Pickard (Chatham Kent Essex) Proud Proulx Reed Robillard Rock Saada Scott (Fredericton) Speller St. Denis St-Julien Stewart (Northumberland) Torsney Ur Valeri Vanclief Volpe Whelan Wilfert Wood 101 The House proceeded to the putting of the question on Motion No. 113 of Mr. Solomon (Regina Lumsden Lake Centre), seconded by Mrs. Dockrill (Bras D'Or Cape Breton), That Bill C-2, in Clause 424, be amended by replacing line 13 on page 174 with the following:Members Députés Alcock Anderson Augustine Axworthy Baker Bakopanos Beaumier Bélanger Bellemare Bertrand Bevilacqua Blondin-Andrew Boudria Bradshaw Brown Byrne Cannis Caplan Carroll Catterall
Cauchon Chamberlain Chan Charbonneau Chrétien (Saint-Maurice) Clouthier Coderre
Collenette Comuzzi Copps Cullen DeVillers Dhaliwal Dion Dromisky Drouin Duhamel Eggleton Finlay Folco Fontana Gagliano Gallaway Godfrey Goodale Graham Grose Guarnieri Harvard Ianno Keyes Kilger (Stormont Dundas Charlottenburgh) Kilgour (Edmonton Southeast) Knutson Kraf
...[+++]t Sloan Lastewka Lee Limoges Lincoln MacAulay Malhi Maloney Manley Marleau Matthews McCormick McLellan (Edmonton West) McTeague Mifflin Mills (Broadview Greenwood) Minna Mitchell Myers Normand Pagtakhan Paradis Parrish Peric Peterson Pettigrew Phinney Pickard (Chatham Kent Essex) Proud Proulx Reed Robillard Rock Saada Scott (Fredericton) Speller St. Denis St-Julien Stewart (Northumberland) Torsney Ur Valeri Vanclief Volpe Whelan Wilfert Wood 101 La Chambre procède à la mise aux voix de la motion n 113 de M. Solomon (Regina- -Lumsden Lake Centre), appuyé par M Dockrill (Bras D'Or Cape Breton), Que le projet de loi C-2, à l'article 424, soit modifié par substitution, à la ligne 13, page 174, de ce qui suit :