In presenting the proposal, Mr CHEYSSON stressed that the Community and its Member States had given their full support from the very start to the Contadora peace effort by means of which four countries of the region (1), in the face of increasing instability in Central America, are pursuing aims of peace, democracy, security and economic and social development, on the basis of negotiation and the conclusion of agreements between the countries of the area.
En presentant la proposition, M. Cheysson a souligne que la Communaute et ses Etats membres ont des l'origine donne leur plein appui a l'initiative de paix de Contadora par laquelle quatre pays de la region (1) poursuivent face a l'instabilite croissante en Amerique Centrale, des objectifs de paix, de democratie, de securite et de developpement economique et social, par voie de negociations et par la conclusion d'accords entre les pays de l'Isthme.