Paulo Rangel (PPE) (Response to the question by Mrs Ferreira, under the blue card procedure, Rule 149(8) of the Rules of Procedure) – (PT) I would like to say very quickly that there is no doubt whatsoever that in the European process there is, of course, constant negotiation between the institutions, but that the Commission’s position has consistently been to uphold the Community method and advocate going further with the single currency.
Paulo Rangel (PPE) (Réponse à la question de Mme Ferreira, conformément à la procédure «carton bleu», article 149, paragraphe 8, du règlement) – (PT) Je voudrais dire très rapidement qu’il ne fait aucun doute que le processus européen implique, bien sûr, une négociation constante entre les institutions, mais que la position de la Commission a invariablement consisté à maintenir la méthode communautaire et à plaider pour un approfondissement de la monnaie unique.