According to the Commission's enquiries, the parties will have a joint market share of about [15 to 30] % after the merger (Veba [0 to 10] %, Degussa ca. [15 to 25] %. The clear market leader is Rohm Haas, with a market share of [55 to 70
] %. The only other competitor with a market share of over 10 % is Kaneka (about [10 to 15] %. Thu
s the concentration would not confer a dominant position on the parties. In view of the fact that market structure would be changed very little, there is no reason to expect that the concentration would c
...[+++]reate or strengthen a dominant position held jointly by the parties and Rohm Haas.Selon l'enquête menée par la Commission, la concentration permettrait aux parties d'obtenir une part de marché combinée d'environ [15-30 %] (Veba: [0-10 %], Degussa: environ [15-25 %]). Röhm Haas domine incontestablement ce marché avec une part de marché de [55-70 %]. Le seul autre concurrent détenant une part de marché supérieure à 10 % est Kaneka (environ [10-15%]). La concentration n'entraînera donc pas la création d'une position dominante des parties.