Out of an interest between the two countries, with over a million Canadians travelling to that destination every year, whether it is the Ianiero case, whether it is the Shawn Potts case, or whether it is the Brenda Martin case, there is a certain concern that has been raised by most Canadians that our consular and diplomatic efforts are not good enough if we do these things behind closed doors.
Au nom de l'intérêt des deux pays, puisque plus d'un million de Canadiens vont au Mexique chaque année, on a exprimé la crainte, qu'il s'agisse de l'affaire Ianiero, de l'affaire Shawn Potts ou de l'affaire Brenda Martin, que nos efforts consulaires et diplomatiques ne soient pas satisfaisants, si nous agissons derrière des portes closes.