In view of this rise and the challenges posed by an ageing population,
the reform aims to contain health costs. It thereby increases national competitiveness through lo
wer non-wage labour costs. The single liberalised market will cover about 16 million people, far more than the 6 million in the present ‘private’ insurance market. Consequently, all market players, whether currently present in the market as the Sickness Funds or the
...[+++]‘private’ insurance companies or any potential market entrants, have the chance to compete and offer better and cheaper services to the citizens.
Par conséquent, tous les acteurs du marché, qu’ils y soient déjà présents comme les caisses de maladie, les entreprises d’assurances «privées» ou encore les nouveaux venus potentiels, pourront entrer dans la concurrence et offrir des services meilleurs et moins chers aux citoyens.