When I was mayor of the municipality of Garthby, if I had appointed the municipal inspector and then told him to appoint all the employees of the town of Garthby, I would have been in an excellent position to get him to hire my brothers-in-law, my nephews and nieces, my friends or people who could be counted on to give generously to my campaign fund. As the Prime Minister said so eloquently this week to people who were looking for work: ``Good luck''.
Lorsque j'étais maire de la municipalité de Garthby, si j'avais nommé l'inspecteur municipal et que je lui avais dit ensuite: «Nomme tous les employés de la ville de Garthby», imaginez-vous que j'aurais été assez près de lui pour y faire placer mes beaux-frères, mes neveux, mes nièces, mes amis ou ceux qui pourraient contribuer allègrement à ma caisse électorale.