Among these latest contradictions, which were not included in the question of privilege, but which most certainly could have been included, and I commend the kindness of our friends from the Canadian Alliance for wanting to protect or at least spare the government and the Minister of National Defence from too much worry, but among these contradictions, there is certainly the fact that we were told that the Geneva agreements and the Geneva convention would be respected.
Parmi ces nouvelles contradictions dont on n'a pas tenu compte dans la question de privilège, mais dont on aurait certainement pu tenir compte—et je salue à cet égard la générosité de nos amis de l'Alliance canadienne d'avoir voulu préserver ou, du moins, épargner trop de soucis au gouvernement et au ministre de la Défense—, mais parmi ces contradictions, il y a certainement le fait qu'on nous a indiqué que nous allions respecter les accords de Genève, les conventions de Genève.