It is not a problem of spending as has been outlined in several interventions so far by representatives of t
he Reform Party. By contrast, I heard yesterday the leader of the Reform Party recommend to reduce here, to stop spending there: reduce and stop, reduce and stop, cut here, cut there, cut everywhere and inevitably create further unemployment, stagnate the economy and, as an added technique proposed
yesterday by the member for Calgary South, put a cap here and there and as long as those who are employed are doing all right everybody else will be fine (1245)
Yesterday the
...[+++] leader of the Reform Party, the member for Calgary South, trotted out an old idea advanced some years ago by two American senators, Gramm and Rudman.
Le problème n'est pas lié aux dépenses, contrairement à ce qu'ont déjà laissé entendre plusieurs représentants du Parti réformiste.Hier, j'ai entendu le chef du Parti réformiste qui recommandait de réduire les dépenses dans ce domaine-ci, d'éliminer les dépenses dans ce domaine-là, réduire et éliminer, sabrer ici et là, un peu partout, toutes des mesures qui favorisent inévitablement le chômage et la stagnation.