(2) If a judge of the Federal Court of Appeal who resigns or is appointed to another court or otherwise ceases to hold office has heard a cause, an action or a matter in the Federal Court of Appeal jointly with other judges of that court, the judge may, at the request of the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal, at any time within eight weeks after the resignation, appointment or other ceasing to hold office, take part in the giving of judgment by that court as if he or she had continued in office.
(2) À la demande du juge en chef de la Cour d’appel fédérale, le juge de celle-ci qui se trouve dans la situation visée au paragraphe (1) après y avoir instruit une affaire conjointement avec d’autres juges peut, dans le délai fixé à ce paragraphe, concourir au prononcé du jugement par le tribunal.