The companies that received fines under that decision included three companies in the Quinn Group: Quinn Plastics GmbH (successor to Barlo Plastics GmbH, which had participated in the collusive behaviour), Quinn Plastics NV (successor to Barlo Plastics NV, the parent company of Barlo Plastics GmbH) and Quinn Barlo (successor to Barlo Group Ltd., the parent company of the former Barlo group. The Commission found that they had participated in the infringement from 30 April 1998 to 21 August 2000 and imposed on them a fine of €9 million, for which they were jointly and severally liable.
Parmi les sociétés sanctionnées par cette décision figuraient trois sociétés du groupe Quinn : Quinn Plastics GmbH (successeur de Barlo Plastics GmbH qui avait participé aux comportements collusoires), Quinn Plastics NV (successeur de Barlo Plastics NV, la société mère de Barlo Plastics GmbH) et Quinn Barlo (successeur de Barlo Group Ltd., la société mère de l’ancien groupe Barlo) (5). La Commission a constaté qu’elles avaient participé à l’infraction du 30 avril 1998 au 21 août 2000 et leur a infligé solidairement une amende de 9 millions d’euros (13).