According to article 52 in Bill C-53, annulment of a decision could only be permitted under five conditions: first, that the tribunal was not properly constituted in the first place; second, that the tribunal has manifestly exceeded its powers; third, that there was actually documented corruption in the tribunal itself; fourth, that there was a breach in the rules of procedure; and fifth, the award failed to state the reasons on which the decision was based.
En vertu de l'article 52 dans le projet de loi C-53, l'annulation d'une sentence peut uniquement être demandée pour l'un des cinq motifs suivants: un vice dans la constitution du Tribunal; un excès de pouvoir manifeste du Tribunal; la corruption d'un membre du Tribunal; l'inobservation grave d'une règle fondamentale de procédure; le défaut de motifs.