277. Where a riot or disturbance occurs or is considered as likely to
occur, the attorney general of the province in which the place where the riot or disturbance occurs or is considered as likely to occur is situated, on the initiative of the attorney general or on the receipt of notification from a judge of a superior, county or district court having jurisdiction in the place that the services of the Canadian Forces are required in aid of the civil power, may, by requisition in writing addressed
to the Chief of the Defence Staff, re ...[+++]quire the Canadian Forces, or such part thereof as the Chief of the Defence Staff or such officer as the Chief of the Defence Staff may designate considers necessary, to be called out on service in aid of the civil power.
277. En cas d’émeutes ou de troubles réels ou jugés imminents, le procureur général de la province en cause peut, soit de sa propre initiative soit après notification par un juge d’une cour supérieure, de comté ou de district compétente que les services des Forces canadiennes sont requis pour prêter main-forte au pouvoir civil, adresser au chef d’état-major de la défense une réquisition, pour assistance au pouvoir civil, des Forces canadiennes ou de la partie jugée nécessaire par celui-ci ou un officier désigné par lui.