1. Agrees with the Council that the demonstrations in Nice, Gothenburg and Genoa express a growing political demand addressed to the European Union to make every effort to interpret the political dimension of globalisation and ‘.to address the concerns which globalisation is giving rise to in our societies, so as to properly manage the structural changes under way with the aim of contributing to the international community’s political, social and economic progress’, and that this ‘..is a task which the European Union must carry out in the coming years so that it can influence its repercussions and fully benefit from its advantages’;
que les manifestations à Nice, Göteborg et Gênes, expriment une exigence politique croissante adressée à l'Union européenne de faire tout son possible pour interpréter la dimension politique de la mondialisation et ".de répondre aux préoccupations que suscite la mondialisation dans nos sociétés de façon à gérer convenablement les changements structurels en cours afin de contribuer au progrès politique, social et économique de la communauté internationale"