77. Where it appears by the books or accounts kept by or in the office of any person employed in the collection or management of the revenue, in any accounting by that person or by his written acknowledgment or confession, that that person has, by virtue of his office or employment, received money belonging to Her Majesty and refused or neglected to pay over that money to the proper persons at the proper
times, an affidavit deposing to those facts, taken by any person having knowledge thereof, shall, in any proceedings for the recovery of that money, be admitted in evidence and is, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, proof of
...[+++] the facts stated therein.
77. Dans toute procédure en recouvrement de fonds appartenant à Sa Majesté, est admissible en preuve et fait foi, sauf preuve contraire, de son contenu l’affidavit où son signataire affirme, vu sa connaissance des faits en cause, qu’un percepteur ou un gestionnaire de recettes a, d’après les livres ou autres documents comptables de son bureau, ses comptes rendus ou ses aveux écrits, reçu de tels fonds au titre de ses fonctions et a refusé ou négligé de les reverser à leurs destinataires aux échéances prévues.