Like the increasing number of centres that are being set up in order to conceal our differences, th
is one, in its five years of existence, has done nothing to justify the millions of euros that
are pumped into it each year. If you compare the amount of money which it is allocated with that available to national bodies, one
would expect to see in-depth studies leading, as stipulated in the definition of its aims in Article 2, to the
...[+++] provision of objective, reliable and comparable information concerning drugs and drug addiction.
Lorsque l'on compare les sommes qui lui sont allouées aux moyens dont disposent les organismes nationaux, on pourrait s'attendre à des études en profondeur permettant, comme le spécifie la définition de sa mission à l'article 2, de fournir des informations objectives, fiables et comparables dans le domaine des drogues et des toxicomanies.